I am

Hello lovely beings, my name is Jovana and as a medium and light worker, I channel information from the subtle worlds as messages and healings for us all. 

I am and always was a very intuitive person, following my heart whenever I hear her whisper. 

Since the year 2020, I started working with the cosmic energy around us and began offering healing sessions face to face or at distance, in which I offer energetic healings, Reiki, sound healings and light language. 

I also offer guided meditations either as voice recordings, which I send you afterwards for you to listen to as many times as you wish or during our session in live.

From my experiences with clients so far, I would like to quote here below a few successes, which confirm the gifts I am honored to exerce.

wanna work with me?

- physical ailments such as: 

Head aches, stomach aches, period pain, PMS, Endometriosis, etc.

Pains in Muscles & Bones 

- Psychological ailments such as:

Stress and anxiety, insomnia, heart aches

- psycho-somatic ailments

- Emotional trauma

- Healing meditations

- sacred coaching 

How does it work?

I connect to your spiritual guides, to the light beings and all other Masters present around us to ask for guidance and help you heal or find your answers with an intention we beforehand discussed and agreed on. 

They are the ones who know what you need and how to heal your body. All the information they tell me (either through sentences and words or through images I see like in a dream), is relevant for your healing. Sometimes, it is some event from your past that will come up to the surface so that you can acknowledge it, forgive, set yourself free and move on. And some other times, it will be pure guidance for your life and future. Usually, there is a huge amount of energy that is sent to you and which clears your chakras and realigns them. 
Also, almost always, they will be working on your energetic body and aura in order to support your physical healing.
Don't forget I am only the channel allowing them to operate on your body at all levels. 

If we are to work at distance, I offer 2 options: either we have a video call in which you will lay down and receive the healing as we speak. 
Or I will channel the information and knowings your guides are telling me through a recording and will send it to you afterwards per e-mail or WhatsApp.

The healing session lasts approximately 1 hour and costs CHF 111.- / € 111.- .

If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to reach out. Please find my contact information below.

Contact info

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WhatsApp: +41 77 431 30 00
Email: [email protected]


Mondays to Fridays from 8 am until 7 pm.
Weekends: upon request
I respond usually within a few hours.


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